Power Poles Aren't Just for Hardcore Anglers

It is true that professional or hardcore anglers benefit from installing power poles.  Many anglers will agree that these poles do help them catch more fish. Not only do power pole users spend less time and effort anchoring, but they can also drop into the water quickly with minimal noise and splashing. This is why power poles are referred to as the "silent anchor."

But our Service department has seen a growing trend that we wanted to share. More and more first-time boat owners and families are installing power poles simply for the ease of use in shallow water recreation spots, like Crab Island. In fact,  many customers tell us something along the lines of: "I don't want to wrestle an anchor, the kids, and the current at Crab Island. So power poles eliminates that problem for me. I drop it down and it holds me in place."

Since the system is powered electrically, you simply drop the pole is push a switch. That's it! Depending on your setup, you can drop the anchor with a foot-operated switch, a key fob or your smartphone using an app. Since you can activate the anchor from anywhere in your boat, you can tend to whatever else you'd rather be doing other than dealing with an anchor.

Ultimately, this growing trend shows that it is a great idea for ANY boater who frequents shallow water areas for an extended amount of time.


You can get the blades powder-coated in white, black, red, or blue. Sportsman and Power Poles can be powder-coated in black or white only. Contact Chase at Service@AdventureMarina.com or 850.581.2628 to help you determine options for your boat, pricing, and scheduling. 

Or visit our Service page for more information.